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Breathwork with Eric Rosso

  • Yoga Room Hawaii 1120 12th Ave, Second Floor Honolulu United States (map)

Breathwork is a powerful and healing tool just like yoga and will have you, at minimum, walking away with a feeling of peace.  You will only be using your breath.  There’s no Asana or physical movement and no heated room.  Just your breath.  

Breathwork has some incredible benefits.  Physically, it has the ability to make your body alkaline.  Diseases have a hard time living in alkaline states. Mentally, breathwork has the ability to release trapped emotions we all carry around.  

Eric Rosso will facilitate your breathwork experience. He will share vital information before you start and guide you through what could be the most profound experience of your life. 

Yoga Room Hawaii 1120 12th Ave., Second Floor

  Arrive 10 minutes before we start

Cost:  $22 for members, $31 for non-members

Misc: Bring a yoga mat and dress comfortably

Note: Note recommended if you are pregnant, prone to seizures or have bad heart conditions.

Read the Rave Reviews

“I’m hesitant to send these words because I know they won’t do justice to my first breath work experience. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I thought if anything, I’d gain some useful tools for the Honolulu marathon to come in a few weeks. What I didn’t know was the life changing experience I was about to launch into.  As we started breathing, the energy in the room rose and I instantly felt something within me, calling me to go deeper. I stayed with my breath.. trusting it.. following it. I saw flashes of the scariest moments of my life, my deepest relationships, and my happiest childhood memories. My mind let go and this space within me cracked open. My body felt cocooned by layers of light and energy. I cried, I laughed, I released.  I’ve always prided myself in my ability to “be resilient”. If something traumatic happened, I found I had this unique talent of boxing it up, hiding it away in the back of my mind as if it never happened, and continue on with a smile; truly unfazed.  These energy blockages have built up over my life. 

I’ve never felt more connected to myself. I’ve always sought feelings of safety, protection, and acceptance from external sources. After my breath work experience, I understand that I can access these feelings within myself. I can feel it in my soul that this is something I need to explore further and share with others. 

Eric — This vulnerability is new to me. So thank you beyond words. I can honestly say that my walls are down and my heart is open. You have a special energy that emanates safety, acceptance, and healing. I’m very grateful to have joined Yoga Room Hawaii and stumbled into your breath work experience. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you”

- Cassandra Willams


“Eric’s breathwork class gave me the safe space to be vulnerable, raw, and connect with myself on a deeper level, through my own breath.  It was intense. I felt tingling through my entire body. I felt dizzy. I cried- a lot. A release of emotions. But when I thought things were getting a bit too uncomfortable, I would hear Eric’s words of affirmation, and I would hold onto that, to keep going. After class, I felt a deep sense of peace and harmony, and I slept so so well that night. I truly believe anyone can benefit from breathwork with Eric- whether just starting or more experienced, it’s a gift. I am so grateful for this experience.”



“Eric -  Thank YOU for guiding us though this powerful & unique practice.  I felt safe and trusted the process.  Mainly because I felt your genuine and heart centered intention in offering this journey.  You hold in your hands a true gem!  This is going to be the greatest gift to the community.  It was an honor to partake and I look forward to join again and bring my husband too.  I still feel the peace inside my heart.” 

Cecilia Ryan


“Your Breath class was not at all what I expected. I thought I’d walk away with some basic relaxation techniques useful for my patients. Instead, I found myself overcome with emotions that I could not control or stop. It was an energy of forgiveness I needed for my brothers suicide. I couldn’t see him but I felt the energy. This was taking up space in my thoughts daily. Since your class, I feel lighter and at peace with my brother. Thank you thank you for this experience.”

Monica Nishiki 


“I took Eric's breathwork class and had a transformative experience! I always knew the impact of taking a few deep breaths when I am stressed but this workshop took it to a whole different level. Post class, I felt at peace, and the following morning, I felt the true nirvana of it all. I had been living with shoulder tension for the past decade that no amount of deep tissue massages ever seemed to cure. Next morning, I rolled my shoulders and nearly cried from relief. Take. This. Class. At the least it will give you stress relief and peace.”

Elina DeMarre


“Eric's breathwork class is a "trip". Harnessing the breath is a powerful tool that Eric demonstrates in an amazing, guided journey which he takes you on. His voice is calming and suggestive and allows you to be in the moment. The session is worth your time investment in yourself. It can take you anywhere in the universe you want to travel to and can leave you lighter than the air you breathe at the end of your ride!”

Tharon Park


“Eric's breathwork class is fantastic and eye-opening to the inner self awareness. He does a great job of explaining what to expect followed by guiding the class along in a very comforting manner. The reflection/sharing at the end of the session is a great way to reflect and learn from the individual experience as well as connect and relate to the rest of the class.”

Monica Ragauskas


“Eric's breath work class gave me a sense of ease.  I was able to stay present in my body and be comfortable to experience emotions that came and passed. As a person who tends to dissociate in order not to feel shame or guilt, I was pleasantly surprised I was able to release.  I was able to stay with a flow of my body and not numb or stop the energy being released.”

Ilze Shaw


“Your class was the first ever breathwork workshop / class that I ever attended.  Your class last night was DEEP. Honestly, I didn't expect to go to that level as a newbie. You covered the physical, psychological and psychospiritual - you talk about drinking from a fire hydrant. For me, that was Great!”

Kaipo Torco


“Recently I made a lot of huge life changes and have been wrestling with strong feelings of fear and insecurity about whether I made the right choices and am on the right path. I have never attended a breathwork class before so I didn’t know what to expect, but I trusted Eric to guide me through the process and I never expected such a profound result. During the breathwork I actually allowed myself to process these feelings of fear and anxiety, and at the end I came out of the class with the most overwhelming sense of peace and trust that I had made the right decisions and that everything was going to work out. This was an amazing experience for me, and I am so grateful I took this opportunity to try something new. I would highly recommend Eric’s breathwork workshops to anyone; we could all use more moments of intention and space to safely process our emotions.”

Jessamine Jeter


“Eric’s breath work class was incredible. During this session, you become fully aware of your breathing and your body just to let’s loose. My body experienced all the normal phases of what could happen. At the end I felt a sense of calm, peace and clarity. I would highly recommend taking this class and fully embracing your body to become vulnerable!” Chantel Soranaka

“Eric, thank you for sharing your knowledge and practice about breathwork with Dave and I. Breathwork has taught me the power of breath! This practice of deep breathing gave me the opportunity to reset my mind and body. I walked out feeling completely relaxed and rested! Breathwork was a unique and valuable experience everyone should try!”

Jodi Tokumaru

“I went into this breathwork class with in open mind while not knowing at all what to expect. I loved how intimate and safe the space made me feel for all the students and being in a group setting amongst my fellow yogis helped me truly get lost in the pattern of the breathing. As far as my personal experience, I feel like I experienced moments of pure bliss and the after effect of more mental clarity…to say I would participate again is an understatement.” 

Natalie Sanchez

“Eric, I am quite at a loss for the words to express my thoughts about last night’s breathwork. I regularly receive reiki and have attended other breathwork workshops. Thank you for creating a space for us and for me to really let go and let love in. I have not felt this sense of peace in quite some time.” Li-Ann Chung

Earlier Event: June 9
Yoga, Sound, & Meditation
Later Event: July 28
Breathwork with Eric Rosso